Vicki Swartz

Orlando, FL | Years Taught: 1978–1999

Vicki empowers her students to actually take responsibility for the reporting of their strengths and areas needing improvement through student led parent conferences. An Internet web site for parents articulates why math curriculum looks different from when parents went to school, why we teach handwriting the way we do, why our report cards are different, how we meet the needs of the gifted in the classroom, about the standardized tests we give, and explains the various stages of spelling development and how parents can help their children at home. She plans special events like Young Writers’ Conferences, which involve parents as helpers and as guest speakers, in addition to Family Math Nights, Multi-cultural Fairs, Curriculum Nights, and presentations of Bilingual and Exceptional Education Issues. All of her themes of studies take students into the community.

Additional Recognition

  • 1998 • Teacher of the Year
  • 1988 • Australian Exchange Teacher
  • 1986 • Fulbright to China
  • 1983 • Fulbright to England