Leslie Nicholas

Kingston, PA | Years Taught: 1981 – 2009

Leslie’s classroom is unique in that the teacher is not the one source who disseminates all knowledge to all of the students at the same time. He often teaches one student a skill because they need that information to accomplish a task. When another student needs that same skill, he refers them to their classmate who already knows how to do it. He says it is peer tutoring at its finest. Mr. Nicholas has discovered that cooperation and collaboration are critical components of success. He says that educators must prepare students to take their place in the world they will inherit and, in that world, the ability to collaborate is critical.

Additional Recognition

  • 2009 • Finalist, the Great American Teacher Award
  • 2008 • First Freedom Award
  • 2005 • University of Pennsylvania Educator of the Year
  • 2002 • Pennsylvania Journalism Teacher of the Year