Judy Haller

Overland Park, KS | Years Taught: 1969 – Present

School and community involvement are the keys to the success of Judy’s dropout prevention program for high-risk high school students. Haller has received more than $300,000 in grants over the past six years from sources such as NIKE and the A & E Network to develop a bird sanctuary on school grounds, taken 25 students on a plane trip to Chicago, and purchase Baby Think it Over Dolls, which aim to reduce the pregnancy/fatherhood rates among students. She has served as a member of the Discovery Channel VCR team.

Additional Recognition

  • 1994 • Dayton Teacher of the Year
  • 1992 • Walt Disney American Teacher Award
  • 1992 • Outstanding Professional Award from the National Organization of Student Assistance and Partnerships
  • 1992 • Presidential Point of Light Nominee
  • 1992 • Computer Learning Institute Grand Prize Winner
  • 1992 • Learning Magazine Professional Best
  • 1991 • IBM
  • 1991 • Ohio and Regional Teacher of the Year
  • 1987 • Jennings Foundation Scholar