Emeil Hamberlin

Chicago, IL | Years Taught: 1964 – Present

Emiel has always used his teaching skills to develop small businesses and business enterprises. He and his students developed a landscaping club where students were actually paid for producing public and private landscapes throughout the city. They have sold balloon arrangements, mother’s day plants, flowers for the prom, and many other gift items from their Ornamental Horticulture Program. He and his students developed an award winning Urban Ecology Sanctuary where they studied, maintained, and housed various animals, numerous plant life, and unique ecosystems all within an enclosed courtyard on their high school campus.

Additional Recognition

  • 1992 • Golden Apple Foundation Academy Fellowship
  • 1992 • Kohl Family Foundation International Educator
  • 1988 • Who’s Who Among Black Americans – Educators
  • 1986 • Newsweek Magazine, Inc., 100 American Heroes
  • 1983 • State of Illinois Master Teacher Award
  • 1977 • State of Illinois ThoseWhoExcel Teacher of the Year
  • 1974 • Outstanding Secondary Educator of America
  • 1971 • City of Chicago Teacher of the Year