Cindy Couchman

Buhler, KS | Years Taught: 1990 – Present

Cindy admits that she teaches mathematics, but over the years, she has realized that she teaches students much more than that. She teaches them to believe in themselves, to work hard, and to be nice. In fact, that is her personal motto: “Be nice, for everyone you meet has a battle going on.” Mrs. Couchman’s accomplishments in education stem from her desire and drive to be the best math teacher FOR her students, to create the best math department FOR the high school, and to become the best high school FOR the state of Kansas.

Additional Recognition

  • 2012 • Lowell Milken Center Fellow
  • 2010 • KSU College of Education Alumni Fellow
  • 2009 • Finalist -Presidential Award for Excellence in Math/Science Teaching
  • 2009 • National semi-finalist, NEA Foundation Horace Mann Excellence in Education
  • 2009 • Kansas Teacher of the Year
  • 2009 • Kansas NEA Excellence in Education Award
  • 2006 • National Board Certification