Christine believes that true knowledge is that which is learned, understood, and pieced into one’s own patchwork of life. With this in mind, our nation’s teachers must provide a secure, positive, inclusive, nurturing as well as engaging classroom environment for all students. Educators need to remember that pupils are multi-faceted learners who are becoming lifelong readers, writers, speakers and thinkers. Teachers are obligated on a daily basis to awaken the learner in each student. This awakening process occurs when the proper learning environment, instructional delivery system, and independent or group practice or discussion are provided for the learner. Consequently, the pupil is enabled to find their education both meaningful and useful. Exposure to exemplary teachers will develop thinkers who thirst for learning throughout their lives. All teachers must inspire their students to understand that one’s most significant learning experiences often come from turning struggles into personal successes.
Christine Lungren-Maddalone
Long Beach, CA | Years Taught: 1969 – 2007
Additional Recognition
- 1995 • Received the 1995 Alumnae Achievement Award from Saint Mary’s College of Notre Dame (IN).
- 1994 • Congressional Record Commendation from U.S. Representative Stephen Horn (CA) for co-creating Whittier Elementary School’s Personal Pals for Progress Mentoring (Grades 4-5) Program with R.E. Ward since 1990, (May 3, 1994) Washington, D.C.
- 1993 • “Outstanding Graduate Student” Award from United States International University, San Diego, CA.
- 1992 • Semi-finalist for the California State Teacher of the Year final competition – Sacramento, CA.
- 1992 • Elementary Division “Teacher of the Year” for the Long Beach Unified School District, Long Beach, CA.
- 1991 • Presented “It’s I Can That Really Counts!” (Character Education) Action Lab at Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development’s (ASCD) 46th Annual Conference – San Francisco, CA.
- 1990 • Received commendation along with 37 elementary students (Grades 2-5), at the California Governor’s Conference on Victim Services and Public Safety – Anaheim, CA.
Inducted: 1993
State: California