Carol Strickland

Emporia, KS | Years Taught: 1967 – Present

Carol believes that the challenges of teachers today are greater than ever before, but the strength of the teaching profession will prevail. Teachers, do, indeed, affect the future with words and actions. She says that students will not always remember what they were taught, but they will always remember HOW they were taught and how they were treated. She helped implement an Applied Communication class for students with limited English proficiency (LEP) to help them transition from high school into the work world. They focus on career inventories, communication skills, interpersonal skills, writing resumes and letters, and practice interviewing until they feel comfortable.

Additional Recognition

  • 2002 • Pre K-12 Educator of the Year (The Emporia Gazette)
  • 2001 • U.S. Department of State Secondary School Excellence Award
  • 2000 • USA Today All-USA Second Team Teacher Award
  • 2000 • Leadership Kansas Class Member
  • 1993,2000 • Diamond Award for Forensics Coaching
  • 1999 • Kansas Teacher of the Year
  • 1999 • U.S. Department of State Teacher Exchange Award
  • 1999 • Wal-Mart Teaching Award
  • 1998 • Kansas Master Teacher (Emporia State University)
  • 1998 • Emporia Master Teacher (Emporia National Education Association)
  • 1997 • Golden Apple Award (Emporia Chamber of Commerce)
  • 1997 • Outstanding High School Speech Teacher (KS Speech Communication Association)
  • 1989, 95, 97 • University of Kansas Honors Program Teacher Excellence Award